Amy – USA
It’s been really fun and informative, and I would recommend it to anyone who is trying to make sense of the current social and media landscape. My cohort has so far looked into history, sociology, philosophy, psychology, and culture and though it’s been head scratching at times, it’s been satisfying to connect the dots and I’m eagerly waiting for the next session. It’s not free but I don’t think anything of value is, and unlike a pre-recorded course it is enthusiastically delivered via Teams, by “the Jester” himself, every month. Don’t let the name fool you, you don’t have to be a teacher or a warrior to take part, you just have to be curious and have a thirst for knowledge and sense-making.
I was nervous at first, I have not focused on learning anything for a long time, but I needn’t have worried, it is such fun and the people I have met are lovely. Taxes the brain mind, but that is no bad thing. I am thoroughly enjoying this and look forward to the monthly meetings.
Mark – UK
Irene – Australia
The excellent, thoroughly well prepared, academic quality lectures, combined with excellent, carefully chosen resources and encouragement for our own self-learning helped me find my voice and confidence, where before, I was speechless, shocked and terrified for the future.
This helped me think critically about a problem that affects my family directly and society. addresses the entanglement of “wokeism” and helps you develop approaches to talking to ordinary people and stakeholders about the dangers of the movement. I am hopeful I can reach more people using the skills I acquired so far in this workshop. Whatever happens, I can say that I for one have achieved more clarity about this important issue
Martha – USA
Marlene – Canada
This is an unmissable, invaluable opportunity for parents, who in some cases, now, risk losing their connection to own children, who are immersed in the media, for heads of companies, for HR department heads and for anyone who needs to have informed discussions with others, be it colleagues, friends or family. Additionally, the course was tremendously interesting and insightful, and I found a support group amongst the other participants. Highly recommended.
“I consider Barry to be one of the most well-researched, clear-headed, fair-minded, even tempered, and wisest people resisting the woke anti-science movement. Broadly speaking, his sessions takes you through different types of teaching, learning, storytelling, ideologies, communication, media, etc and how these have influenced and shaped society over time to take us where we are now. Additionally, he provides students with lists of relevant resources so they can delve further into certain topics on their own time, and access to his musings/essays on various developments relating to Critical Social Justice. I’ve gained a much better understanding of the woke movement and what can be done to defeat it. I’ve also made connections with some wonderful, open-minded people who have been inspired and supported in pushing back against gender ideology/ queer theory/ EDI in their children’s schools, their county councils, government offices, etc. Plus, Barry’s a very warm and funny man, and it’s a pleasure to spend two hours in his company each month! It’s one of the best things I’ve ever done and am currently enjoying year two of his course.”
Caroline – Ireland
Elaine – UK
I’ve learnt so much from since starting the Winning Mindset Program. It’s not just somewhere I’ve learned from, but being part of a team of likeminded folks who all want to save the world from the identity madness that has taken over, it’s been amazing to have them there, to know those of us who know the world deserves better are not losing our minds despite what the media would have us believe. The teaching style is straightforward, easy to follow, and with facilitated discussion provoking thinking as we develop and learn together. This has given me the confidence to stand up against this madness and back it up with facts – Highly recommend. Onwards!