Having completed a number of years of cross sector work in formal and informal education we got together to look at how the impact of technological, cultural and social change on the individual required them and perhaps you to ground their own development in the reality of the cognitive revolution we are seeing.
Having met with people and discussed our ideas it became clear that something was needed to help you gain a different perspective.
With the speed of change now being so fast, many of us and perhaps you, have been overwhelmed by technological, cultural and social change that left us struggling to comprehend what was going on.
The Winning Mindset is a series of regular seminars allied with your own work that explores this phenomena and provides a rootkit for untangling the more complicated elements of our social and cultural development.
It teaches you to teach, to become a Warrior for education and a direct agent in the battle to eliminate Critical Social Justice and its moribund narrative of power and oppression.

For further info download our leaflet.